Animal Communication Consultations
Ground-driving Weekend Ground-driving Weekend Ground-driving Weekend
Ground-driving Weekend Ground-driving Weekend Ground-driving Weekend

Watch Anna's Explanation of Animal Communication on YouTube!


What is Animal Communication?
Animal Communication, also known as interspecies communication, is the ability to telepathically connect with a being of another species, and literally communicate with them using images, feelings, thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and even mentally projected words.


How Do Animals “Communicate” with Anna?
Animals communicate, not just with Anna, but with everyone, and with each other, in a variety of ways. Animals are “talking” all the time through body language and appearance, vocal signals, energy manipulation, and by projecting pictures, thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical sensations.  As most of Anna’s communication is through “distance” sessions (meaning she is not physically present with the animal during the session) she speaks telepathically with each animal through mental images, thoughts and emotions, and projected feelings and physical sensations.

How Can an Animal Communication Session Help Me and My Animal Companion?
As a Communicator, Anna specializes in helping you:

Determine & understand your animal’s personality & needs - Time and time again Anna has seen that even the smallest of adjustments to your animal's world can make a dramatic difference and sometimes just understanding their perspective can change yours forever.


Restore your animal companion’s health & happiness - It can often be difficult to have a clear understanding of what is ailing your animal, why not ask them directly?

Eliminate frustrating and painful emotional & behavioral problems - In the past, many people have had to give up their animals because of destructive or dangerous behavior issues. Now, instead of removing them from the house, you can talk with your animals and resolve the issues.

My precious companion - Merlin


Cope with the Death & Dying of your Animal Companion - Another reason many people contact Anna is to assist them in the crossing over of their beloved animal companion. The death of an animal can be as heartbreaking as the death of a dear friend or a family member, as, for many, they aren’t just pets but indeed an integral member of the family. Through animal communication, Anna can provide information to help your animal be more comfortable, help you understand their needs during the transition, deal with the grief of your loss and even connect with your animal after he/she has crossed over to know that they are OK and still present in your life.

Locate a lost animal - Losing a pet can be devastating and is one of the most difficult situations for an animal communicator to work with. Anna’s dedication and desire to help every animal is the reason she is one of the few communicators who will even take on such a difficult and complicated task.


Who is Anna & Why Should I Organize a Session with Her?
Although originally known around the world for her work as a Natural Horsemanship Clinician and Equine Behaviorist, Anna quickly gained a reputation as a premier Animal Communicator. She has spoken to thousands of animals of all different species - from dogs and cats to iguanas and parrots and even gorillas, Anna has been helping improve the lives of animals (and their human companions) all over the globe, for years, and she is excited to help you!


How is Anna Different from Other Animal Communicators?
Anna’s communication technique and life experience give her a unique and balanced perspective and expertise in the world of animal communication.

As a former member of the British Police Force, Anna’s “no nonsense” approach and investigative skills help her get to the bottom of your animal’s issues and bring healing and resolution to the situation. With Anna you don’t just get vague, “feel good” advice. You get specific, thorough and verifiable information that you can immediately use to resolve your difficulties, disputes and even long-standing challenges. In some cases, clients have even enjoyed instant results after their session.

As a British “Bobbie”, and over a decade as a Natural Horsemanship Clinician and Teacher, Anna also brings the skills of a first class coach and support system to each session. Although her approach may be “no nonsense”, her attitude is far from it. During your session, Anna works with you and your animal companion to create a safe, supportive and fun environment. Talking with your animal can be an emotional, at times difficult, and even life-changing experience. Anna appreciates the emotional “roller-coaster” a session can be, and will guide you through the entire process with compassion and understanding.

In short, Anna wants to make sure you to have the best,

most useful and most fun session possible!

Who Does Anna Work With?
Anna’s clientele and students come from far and wide and from all walks of life. Through Private Sessions, Animal Communication Workshops and Retreats, she has introduced and taught the art of interspecies communication to hundreds of people, from novices to other animal communication professionals.  


I Want To Talk To My Animal Companion. How Do I Set Up a Session With Anna?
To schedule a consultation with Anna simply follow the steps below.



Phase 1: Once payment is received Anna will compile necessary data about the animal.  You will be given an appointment time to call Anna at the office on 828-848-8877.  If you have questions prior just drop us a note at You can download the welcome letter and client intake form here. All clients are responsible for completing their client intake form 48 hours prior to the consultation.

In the event you wish to pay by check or money order, please make the check payable to Reach Out to Horses LLC and send to: 5911 Big Level Rd, Mill Spring, NC 28756 – thank you!

Phase 2: Communication with the animal. Consultations may be done “live” over the phone (done "long distance" from the office) or in person (if Anna's schedule allows, additional fee applies). It is the client’s responsibility to connect with Anna directly at either the office number 828-848-8877 or an alternative number provided. 

(If the consultation takes 45 minutes or less, the minimum fee is charged. Should the consultation exceed the alloted consultation time, an additional charge applies).

PLEASE NOTE: In order to establish a business relationship with a client for the first time, the fee needs to be received before the first consultation.  Full fee is charged for sessions cancelled without 48 hour notice.  Returned check fee $30.00.

To purchase a consultation please read the terms and conditions as
outlined in our liability disclaimer and then tick & click “Add to Cart” below.



Animal Communication Distance Consultation Sessions: $185.00 (up to 45 minutes)
Anna's touring season is in full swing! She is taking appointments but
because of her travels may not be able to schedule your session for a few weeks.

Please contact the office at to check Anna's availability
and if you have any questions or need assistance.

Emergency sessions may be available depending on Anna's schedule.
Please contact the office at before
you purchase an emergency session as Anna may not be able
to conduct the session in the timeframe you require.
Check Anna's Events Calendar to See if She Might be Available

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in the Reach Out to Horses® liability disclaimer.


Additional animal companion $95
(During initial consultation / up to 30 min)

A full distance consultation session must be
purchased first. Cannot be used separately or in place of a full session.

Each additional 15 minutes $60

Gift Certificate $185


Local Home Calls $250
Up to 45 minute consultation & up to 1 hrs round trip included)

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in the Reach Out to Horses® liability disclaimer.

EMERGENCY Animal Consultation $222
Normally within 24-48 Hours of Purchase (please check the Events Calendar for Anna's availability before booking an Emergency Consultation).


Once payment has been made, please arrange the preferred dates and times for your consultation(s). Anna will then contact you to confirm.  Be sure to consult Anna’s schedule to determine her current whereabouts which may impact her session availability & remember to call her at the office number (828) 848-8877 for your appt.

Find Out About Our Animal Communication
Ranch Retreat at White Stallion Ranch in Arizona




Animal Communication 2021 Workshops


Visit our Events Calendar to find the
Animal Communication Workshop with Anna near you




Wow! Anna!!!

I'm amazed at what I have just read.  The description of the house (and many other details) are incredibly correct!  Thank you very, very much for helping Kuma and me during this difficult process. She is a highly sensitive dog and this mustn't be easy for her.

There are no words to describe how I am feeling now as tears fall down my cheeks. Thank you for making us feel closer.  These two mails that you have sent me about Kuma and Smiif make me feel more in peace. Thank you once more.

Blessings to you too! I will follow your advice.

Sending you a hug from the heart,

Michelle – New Zealand

Kuma prepares for her flight from Argentina to New Zealand.
Smiif shares his message prior to his long travel.


Every time I read your words from my girls, I cry!  Thank you so much for helping me to learn that they really are pretty happy with their lives.  This is so important to me, because they bring so much happiness to my life that I want to reciprocate!  

 Again, what you do for people is truly such a blessing.  Thank you so much for everything.  Tim and I appreciate your wisdom and kindness.  It's really helped us to figure some stuff out with both dogs and horses!

Bless you!

Jenny - CO

Sunny shares her training stories
Punkin's person checks in to her physical & emotional well being.

Spryo tells us why
he runs away from home!

Anna Hello!

Thank You for the incredible session....I just got to it 2 nights ago but was away in New York.  I checked in with the family and alot of things

make more sense (the BLUE collars...) and the yard! I cant tell you what a dramatic change we have seen the last 48 hours.

When can I call you to fill in the blanks....

Sophia, NJ

Read More Testimonials Here!



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