May 12th - 14nd, 2023 - 9am - 6pm
Whispering Feather Farm, Mill Spring, NC

Join Anna for the foundations of the Reach Out to Horses Methodologies. This is your opportunity to see why ROTH is so popular and effective. Over the course of 3 days you will explore true trust-based horsemanship. You will uncover the secret to creating a genuine relationship with your horse and a willing partner as you cater your horsemanship to each individual horse you work with.

Friday: Obstacle Course at Liberty

We aren't going to waste any time. On the first day you are "jumping into the deep end" of equine communication! The obstacle course is one of the most effective tools in horsemanship and you will join your equine partner at liberty. You will learn how to communication effectively with your horse, truly gaining the partnership and connection needed for anything you do with your horse.

Anna developed the course over 15 years ago, and since then thousands of her students from all over the world have worked with the Obstacle Course for a myriad of uses. You will learn how to apply this safe and effective training approach to solve all sorts of problems and determine your horse's learning style. From preparing horses for the trail, engaging school and therapeutic riding horses, spook-busting, through to establishing a communication system with performance horses and honoring the needs of the retirees, Anna will show you how to read the subtleties of your horse's body language and direct your horse on the ground.

Saturday: Reaching Out for Personality Assessments and Connection
As seen at the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo, Anna will show you an immensely effective use of the round pen that she rarely teaches in a clinic setting like this. So you definitely don't want to miss out! Anna will help you take your training, and the partnership with your horse, to a whole new level as she introduces you to the subtleties of the horse’s communication system and shows you how to use the Round Pen for one of it’s most powerful uses - understanding and assessing your horse’s history, personality, and character.   Anna’s unique method of using not only body language but also energy and interspecies communication will reveal just how communicative your horse really is and how we can use this comprehensive language to create and deepen a true partnership between horse and human.

Sunday: Liberty Sessions
If you have been searching for a more evolved horsemanship method, if you want to take your skills and your relationship with your horse to a deeper level, you have come to the right place. Working with your horse at liberty can one of the most fulfilling or frustrating activities with your horse. Anna will show you how to speak the language of equus and work with your horse to solve tough issues, change behavior, or just plain have fun and dance with your horse!

During the final, fun-filled day you will learn:

  • What is free schooling
  • The difference between reaching out and free schooling
  • Circumstances to incorporate free schooling
  • Including voice-commands
  • Dancing with horses
  • Behavior modification and Issue solving

You will create a solid foundation with your horse, set him up for success and achieve that connection of grace and ease you've always imagined. Say goodbye to frustration, struggle, confusion, misunderstanding, flaring tempers, fear and anxiety for both you and your horse. Instead, welcome to a new way of thinking, a new way of being, and a new way of playing with your horse!

Register Now!
Only $550 for the entire 3 Days if you Register by April 1st / $597 After April 1st
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Sign Up As An Auditor - Only $175 for the full 3 days
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