Help Us Spread the Word Around the Globe and Save Our Mustangs
For many of us, the plight of the American Wild Horse is well known and close to our hearts. But most people, even those in the equine industry, do not know the seemingly insurmountable odds they are up against. These majestic beings face removal from their homes, round-ups into cruel and soul-crushing capture, and some say, their eventual extinction, unless we do something to stop it.
There are over 50,000 wild horses and burros currently in BLM holding pens waiting for their fates to be revealed. Mustang lovers have tried to adopt some of these horses and rescue them from these horrible conditions. Unfortunately, for many of these horses, their rescue turned into a worse ordeal and even death. Why? To
put it bluntly, mustangs are not domesitic horses, and when trained and treated as such, they can be dangerous, often resulting in the injury of horse and human.
The American Mustang has held a dear place in my heart since the days I began working with them at Flag Is Up Farms, and I have made it my life's mission to help them wherever and whenever I can.
My goal has been two-fold. First, to share the plight of the mustang with the world and, second, to educate people in the way of the mustang - to show them how to work, train and care for the wild horse.
Being a voice for these horses has allowed me to raise thousands of dollars and save hundreds of
horses over the years. Thankfully I am not the only voice. Many great people have made it their life's mission to save the mustangs as well, and I am grateful for their tireless and selfless efforts.
Because of that, I've decided to give Whispers from the Wild Ones to as many like-minded organizations as I can. I truly believe that the information in this 2-dvd set could be invaluable to them and their missions. We have partnered with many organizations over the years, but we can't possibly work with all of them...
And this is where you can make a difference!
Do you have a favorite organization that you think would enjoy and benefit from this information?
Tell us who they are and for only $10 we will send them a copy of the dvd set FREE! Your $10 will
cover the shipping and handling and allow us to focus our resources on getting the DVD to them.
Maybe you have more than 1 favorite and can't decide. No worries. Donate 1, 5 or 10 DVD's to the organizations that inspire you.
So how do I make my donation of the Whispers From the Wild Ones DVD set?
It couldn't be more simple.
Click on the Add to Cart Button Below to Give Whispers From the Wild Ones to your favorite organization.
When you click on the button below you will be taken to the shopping cart. Once you are there you can choose to donate 1, 5 or 10 dvds.
Continue on with your check out and in the comments section tell us where you would like
us to send the DVD.
We need the following information to be able to send the DVD out:
- Name of Organization
- Contact Name
- Mailing Address
- Contact Email
- Contact phone (optional)
We will send the DVD(s) to your organization listed and let them know that it was your generosity that allowed us to send it.
And that's it! In about a week, your favorite advocate, non-profit, or organization will have Whispers From the Wild Ones in their hands.
We are excited to share this groundbreaking work and I want to personally thank you for helping us with our mission. Together we can be the voice for the voiceless and give the Wild Horses of the American West a second chance at life on the lands they were promised.
Thank You,
Click on the Button Below to Get Started.