Animal Communication Ranch Retreat
An Extraordinary Adventure of
Riding, Relaxation & Animal Communication



"Learn to talk to the animals"

November 12th - 19th, 2011

White Stallion Ranch, AZ


Everyone’s childhood dream! 

Join us and learn how to talk to the animals...

just like Dr. Doolittle. 

"I loved the workshop and reflect on various moments frequently. I especially valued the muscle testing and along with that the importance you placed on thinking about what you want, not what you don’t want. What a simple change that makes such a huge difference. I am making that a daily practice, especially when I’m in the saddle. The communications that we experienced during our sessions were amazing and obviously just the tip of the iceberg. The insights that you teach combined with the calming effect the White Stallion Ranch create the perfect combination to get the most out of your class. Learning to quiet our minds is a feat in itself. It was awesome to be around you and I look forward to continuing the journey."

 - Carol, White Stallion Ranch, AZ


This is a rare opportunity to join Anna for an in-depth Animal Communication Week while staying in one
of the most exciting, legendary environments of the American Old West.

Your chance to be immersed in some of the best horseback riding the world has to offer. 

Watch the sun rise and set over the most spectacular desert scenery you will ever see.  Then, in the evening, after a fun-filled day, relax in your cabin while listening to the coyotes calling in the distance.  All if this while Anna takes you on a journey into the world of animal communication. 

In this supportive atmosphere you will learn to enhance the animal communication skills you already have (even if you don’t know it!) and share in a fun and rewarding experience.  By learning to tap into and use your innate abilities, you will quickly discover how you too can converse with the animals. 

Anna has worked around the country and around the world helping individuals to communicate and better understand their animal companions.  With Anna you will enjoy an interactive conversation with your animal friends, learning their perspectives on situations, behaviors, and life knowledge. Having the opportunity to find out what your animal companion’s thoughts, feelings and attitudes are can greatly enhance your relationship and bring great joy and happiness into your life.   

Take this special time, learn to listen to nature, to its messages and lessons. 

Learn to hear the whispers of the animals.


This clinic is geared towards all animal enthusiasts, guardians, carers, managers, amateurs and professionals alike.  It's designed for anyone who wants to increase their telepathic ability with all species.  During the week we will explore “live” communication sessions as well as long distance communication with many different species of the animal kingdom!

Saturday:            Arrive in the afternoon.
Sunday:              A Full Day of Animal Communication

Monday - Friday:  Mornings – Animal Communication workshop
                          Afternoons – World class horseback riding
Saturday:            Departure after Breakfast

For Animal Communication class details contact

Watch our White Stallion Ranch, Animal Communication Dream Retreat YouTube Videos.

Space is limited so register for your favorite location today!


Total Price
(including workshop, riding, ranch activities, lodging, meals & taxes):

Early Bird Special - Before September 1st, 2011: $1,895.00 (double room - each occupant)

$2,095.00 (single room)

Total Price after After September 1st: $1,995.00 (double room - each occupant) / $2295.00 (single room)

Cost is for a Saturday, November 12th arrival through to a Saturday, November 19th departure and includes airport transfers from the Tucson Airport.  Price is per participant, based on double occupancy.

50% deposit is required to reserve your spot at the ranch.

Visit for further details
For more information or to make your reservation contact Carol at

Watch Anna's Explanation of Animal Communication on YouTube! ©2004-2014 Reach Out to Horses® 303-642-7341   
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